I have time to post some more cute pictures.

Gardening with Max.

I'm not really sure what he's trying to express here.

Max & daddy before bedtime.

Henry shows off his cool dance moves.

Henry painting a picture for his new cousin
Harold. Like all good artists he has an assistant in Max, to do the filler.

Henry says it's a painting of a rainstorm.
We are off to a potluck adoptive families picnic this late afternoon. The week was uneventful.
For the potluck I am going to make Gye ran mal ee, or rolled egg. I found a few different recipes:
Gye ran mal ee #1Gye ran mal ee #2Gye ran mal ee #3A also tried out Google's translate this page, and while
this recipe makes great surrealist poetry in the translated version, I was not able to understand it enough to follow the recipe.
While searching I also came across a new english language
Korean food blog.
My other discovery this week was an intriguing tape I bought for 25 cents at the local thrift store. I am too lazy and poor to follow music much, or to buy many CDs, so when I see something cheap and odd I do buy it on the off chance it will lead me into something I like. The tape is
"Systeme D" by Les Rita Mitsouko. As is the case with most odd french artists, I love the music and now want to buy all of their CD's (when I can find them used & cheap). The tape is unfortunately decomposing with each play, so I will need to replace it.
this is the kind of story I find fascinating. I do hope they make a movie of it.