Well I can finally get back to important stuff like blogging about how cute the kids are. I really wanted to blog earlier but I have been working without rest (cue violins).

Max shows me his butchered chocolate Santa. Probably second to the easter Bunny to being a horrific item to consume. More about chocolate Santa below...

Henry looks out the vinyl window of his huge playhouse, courtesy of Aunt Betsy.

Max the buckethead, pets a horse on a geta.

Henry practices his karate (I took out a video, "Karate for Kids" at the library). Notice the playhouse in the middle of dismantling.

Max shows off the new blue marker he got for Christmas.

Max in a TV coma, Henry as a mountain lion.

Awww. Cute...

Max and Henry play together (!) with yet another Thomas set.

I look alert, don't I?

Max shows off his Kung Fu.
So anyway, getting back to the chocolate Santa...Henry was eating his in the kitchen and I asked him for a bite - he trots over to the computer and gives me the bottom 1/5. I pop it in my mouth and immediately am disgusted. Felice is laughing hysterically in the kitchen because Henry was using the bottom of the Santa as a spoon for his chicken noodle soup. So I had Santa chicken noodle soup in my mouth. Bearing in mind that I am a) a vegetarian and b) not accustomed to mixing sweet and savory tastes, or the textures of chocolate and chicken, you can see how this was a less than desirable gustatory mix...
As Felice noted on her blog, we had quite a storm before Christmas, which left us without power for 3 days. In the course of reading up on generators and such I came across
this site about survival (not survivalism). It's interesting reading. We really need a small generator for the fridge (TV, light, computer...) Reading email on my ancient laptop via dialup was not satisfactory. In terms of survival we had plenty of lights and candles, the woodstove heated us dependably (although splitting wood for 3 days used some muscles that had atrophied, thus pain) and the Coleman stove was adequate.
I started research into the
repeating crossbow, as I thought it would be in interesting project - when if ever I have time. Through that I came across this site about
Chinese siege engines.
Will I ever do any fun projects? Oh and this led to me finding
Canadian made siege engine kits...
I had planned on linking to this site about
St. Nicholas before Christmas, but I didn't get the time...
The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections is now online...like you didn't already know that...
Who knew that there was a
Here's a good blog about the Korean pop world.
I caught an odd movie on TCM,
"It's Trad Dad!". It introduced me to both the surreal non-antics of the
Temperance Seven, and the unbelievably deep voice (and beehive hairdo) of
Helen Shapiro. The
Dapra website has tons of interesting machining products and some good tech info...
So now that I have vomited out all of these links, what lies ahead for the New Year?
Well my immediate to-do list has the following entries:
1) Update Web Pages
2) Pay 4th quarter estimated taxes
3) Get a SSN for Max (need the deduction!)
4) Make more business cards
5) replace a part for an Atlas turret tailstock and ship to a friend.
6) Perform an inventory of Taig items in stock
7) clean shop.
8) Blog
Hey, #8 is done!
Happy New Year!
PS) I should list what else I've done today
1) modelled an elastomer spring in Rhino for a my guy in MA.
2) reamed holes in 5 timing pullies for a customer in TX.
3) packaged up items to send to customers in Canada
4) emailed 500000 people (or so it seemed) in response to questions