At the OSU Folk Club Thrift Shop we bought a Bugs Bunny hat for Henry

Henry doffs his hat outside the Benton County library

Henry checks the time on my pocket watch. Not only was the library catalog offline, but the automatic book checkout wasn't working. So it took a while to check out our books. I took out The Penland Book of Jewelry: Master Classes in Jewelry Techniques and Henry took out Gizmo

We stopped off at the local coin shop. I didn't take any pictures inside the store, but here are the foreign coins (and a casino token) that Henry bought.

Then we went and bought whole bean coffee at Sivetz Coffee as we were out and had resorted to drinking coffee made from the "emergency" beans that have lived in our freezer for years. Henry had a chocolate chip cookie.

We met Felice and Max and walked down the street to American Dream pizza.

This scruffy guy works at the pizza place and had spent his break hour drawing an anime girl on the tablecloth. They provide crayons for kids and hipsters to doodle with while you wait for your pizza.

Henry makes some sort of observation.
Not a bad day...