My neighbor Chris, who also goes by Spud, came over this afternoon to work on a few projects for his

He had already made some parts but wanted some aerodynamic radii added. Ok, they are just for looks, not drag reduction.

So I used my
Shaplane tool to make some radii.


Pleasing to the eye.

I then turned my attention to making a mandrel out of plastic for him. I used a half center to support the work while allowing a facing cut.

This end will be grabbed in his smaller Atlas lathe when he gets back home...

I turned the OD with a shoulder at the chuck end.

While I worked on the mandrel, Chris was milling slots in the smaller parts.

Chris, hand on one crank and the other ready to drip some cutting oil on the slitting saw, with panache and élan, to boot.

The finished saw cuts.

I didn't take pictures of the drilling and tapping of the mandrel because I was: a) busy working on it and b) it was boring. That's one of the exhausts of his dragster mounted on the mandrel. He needs to trim the powdercoat from the bottom section and needed a way to fixture it on the lathe for that.

It's tapped for the screw that when tightened expands the mandrel against the inside of the tube.