I did finally start playing around the with Attiny 45 and 85 chips, programming with an Arduino. More on this after the new year.
I had to diagnose a malfunctioning cassette player for Max’s teacher.
4 screws to remove the back.
A couple more to remove the circuit board and the culprit was found, a broken drive belt. I found a “close enough” replacement in my pile of miscellaneous drive belts and the player works.
Henry turned 9 on the 30th of November. We had a big party at the Wacky Bounce.
Some links:
- A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design
- Art Of Money Getting (P.T. Barnum)
- Tinplate Girl
- Moroccan Bow Lathe (Amazing!)
- William Gibson, The Art Of Fiction No. 211
- Salae Logic Analyzers (I really want one)
- There’s a new Humble Indie Bundle, I bought it just for Super Meatboy.
- Gamma World: Over 30 years of I have no idea what is going on.
- One of the VP’s at Parallax bought a lathe and was kind enough to send me Propeller and Basic Stamp dev. kits along with some sensors. Very generous and I hope to play with them soon. The Propeller chip is amazing.
- Innovation Starvation by Neal Stephenson