I picked up this Itron frequency counter – timer at the OSU sale. It was silly cheap and has nixie tubes. I can’t find a manual or much else about it online.
An HP 100LX Palmtop computer. Another thrift store score.
Henry had a Minecraft party for his birthday.
Another OSU surplus sale find, a Hitachi 20Mhz oscilloscope for $10.00!
Henry had been playing with Snapcircuits
During the snowpocalypse I went slightly crazy. Suffice to say this is my analysis of Trader Joe’s dark chocolate.
Then there was the free pickup truck load of Atari computers, disks and such. This is going to take a while to sort out.
My shop got a little messy.
Presents from the kids.
I bought myself an Aoyue smoke absorber for soldering. It was cheap and it seems to work fine.
I also splurged and bought a Hakko 808 desoldering gun. It’s pretty spiffy.
The solder collects in the tube.
A pile of components salvaged during testing.
Solder pile.
Apparently I collect staplers now.
I don’t know why I bought this.
Happy New Year!